Meet the Team: Vitalija Pukstiene

Magnetic Trading

Magnetic Trading is known for its comprehensive component and spare parts services. But who is behind the scenes, ensuring all processes run smoothly? This time, Vitalija Pukstiene, Sales Support Lead, introduces her role intricacies and its evolution over the years.

How has your role at Magnetic Trading evolved over the years?

Vitalija: In 2017, I joined as a Sales Assistant with a particular task to complete: help arrange and organize orders for our bigger clients. Back then, we had three contracts, encompassing slide repairs and exchanges, repair management, and NDT for brakes. With time, the scope increased, so I assisted the entire Magnetic Trading sales team.

After some time, the former manager included me in the monthly results review; I had to understand this area as well. After some time, he included me in the audit; at that time, it was ISO. Since we did not have clear internal processes, I got this task. Once all these tasks were completed, the position was changed to Sales Process Supervisor. The scope remained the same, but I also had to supervise whether the transactions we carried out met the quality standards.

When Airina joined as the Head of Sales, my title changed to Sales Support Team Lead, leading a small team that now has a few more additional members. The role includes managing the whole support team, task delegation, ensuring smooth processes globally and their timelines, responding to the current procedures, among others. After the maternity break, the team has grown and diversified the work from overseeing US operations all the way to curating wheels and brakes product lines or engine material repairs.

Within your current role, what are your current responsibilities and primary focuses for 2025?

Vitalija: As for my current role, I ensure the quality of all transactions carried out by the entity, participate in audits, occasionally take on a larger deal, and review the department's stock balances and financial statements. Facilitating Quantum improvements or process overviews, including any necessary updates and adjustments. All this requires collaborating closely with the IT department.

In a nutshell, it could be split into two categories: managing financial information such as assets, inventory, Statements of Account (SOA), and vendors and addressing related inquiries. Then, adherence to quality procedures will be ensured, with monthly reviews of transactions to identify and rectify any deviations. We collaborate with the quality department often to ensure that our daily activities are aligned with all required procedures.

Moving forward, this year, I will be supporting the receival of ASA-100 accreditation for our Malaysian entity, updating the processes of the Magnetic Trading department, and syncing different data management software, among heaps of other things that will help our daily operations. 

In retrospect, what were some of the more significant challenges you had resolved and projects completed?

Vitalija: From the stock reallocation from Estonia to the US and setting proper processes there to participation in JPM (joint procedure manual) between MMRO Malaysia and service provider APACS, there is never a dull day at the Magnetic Trading department. One more fundamental project was having the chance to contribute to the original mapping of all processes because years ago, we did not have any.

What skills and qualities do one need to lead a sales support team?

Vitalija: I would say understanding of sales processes, technical skills (systems in use), patience (we are all very different), listening to the people (team members), and finding the best solution together with having a problem-solving mindset (courage, seeking and identifying the problem, have ideas how to solve them). 

What’s your favourite memory with your team?
Vitalija:  This is a tricky question, as dozens have accumulated by now. We’ve become like a family over the years. However, if I had to choose one or two, it would be a trip to Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant six years ago, which involved a fact-packed, enjoyable tour and some team bonding activities afterwards. Another one would be my current trip to Kuala Lumpur, having the chance to see such far-away places is always memorable.