Magnetic Group Gains EN 9110 Certification Renewal with Expanded Scope for Engine Maintenance

Magnetic Group

Magnetic Group has successfully renewed its EN 9110 certification, now extending to include engine maintenance, repair, and overhaul services. For Magnetic Engines' customers, the expanded EN 9110 certificate scope provides additional assurance of consistent engine maintenance services and compliance with the highest aviation industry standards.

As EN 9110 is an internationally recognized aerospace Quality Management System (QMS) standard, it is designed for organizations specifically involved in maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO). It builds upon general QMS principles, such as those in ISO 9001, yet is tailored to the requirements of the aerospace MRO sector, with a strong focus on regulatory compliance, airworthiness, and safety management. 

"To gain the certification, a rigorous assessment was undergone against EN 9110, all to guarantee the excellence of solutions and standards provided. Compliance with this requirement also ensures that we can meet the expectations of our current and prospective customers and consistently maintain the quality of our deliverables," shares Filip Stanisic, Head of Magnetic Engines.

With a dedicated CFM56/LEAP engines workshop in Tallinn, Magnetic Engines has focused on providing high-quality engine repair services. In 2024, the engines workshop repaired 57 engines, a 36% growth compared to 2023, with the targets to further capability increase and capacity growth.